Spain Telephone Directory

Trace Spain Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 93 Spain Businesses on Pincode 20012. Spain has a population of 46,397,452 and there are thousands of businesses in Spain whose numbers are available for Spain Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Spain Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 93 businesses number on pincode 20012 in Spain.

Cell Number Business Name
34677655434 ARTEUPARTE [Galer�a de Arte & Dise�o Gr�fico]
34943930028 Hotel One Shot Tabakalera House
34943326680 Lacunza International House - San Sebasti�n (SPANISH COURSES)
34943468484 Filmoteca Vasca
34943321142 Le Bukowski
34943326050 LANIK
34943430143 Hotel Villa Eugenia
34722160753 Cristina Enea Rooms
34943930494 Abba San Sebastian
34676450580 LABe Restaurant
34943275269 Garraxi Taberna
34675504559 Inigo's
34699965439 Atotxa Rooms
34943437100 Hospital de D�a Quir�nsalud Donostia
34912432343 Estaci�n ferrocarril
34943437100 Hospital Quir�n
34943118333 Dr. Ruiz Villandiego. Odontolog�a y Estomatolog�a. Hospital Quir�n Donostia
34943142636 Biziondo Unidad de Columna y traumatolog�a (Hospital de D�a Quir�nSalud)
+34 943 44 98 00 Comisar�a Provincial San Sebasti�n
+34 943 28 11 44 Red Osakidetza Concurso 2010 Gobierno Vasco
+34 943 00 07 68 Departamento de Justicia del Gobierno Vasco Servicio de Asistencia A la Victima
+34 943 32 77 70 Centro De Servicios Sociales Gros Egia
Cell Number Business Name
+34 943 32 77 70 Atotxako Gizarte Zerbitzugunea (Gros eta Egia)
+34 943 48 34 10 Oficina del consumidor Omic
+34 943 48 35 40 Donostia Hileta Zerbitzuak SA
+34 943 28 90 87 Correos
+34 943 02 32 50 Osalan-Instituto Vasco de Seguridad y Salud Laborales
+34 943 00 07 00 Administraci�n de Justicia Oficina de Informaci�n Al Ciudadano
+34 943 27 01 32 LABORAL Kutxa
+34 943 01 24 08 Kutxabank
+34 943 34 44 12 Laboral Kutxa Euskadiko Kutxa
+34 943 29 78 70 Rural Kutxa
+34 913 34 07 61 Cajero Euro Automatic Cash
+34 943 11 88 55 Tabakalera
+34 657 77 06 34 Amaia Aretxaga Osteopat�a
+34 943 43 71 00 Hospital Quir�n
+34 943 32 21 21 ORL Gipuzkoa - Hospital Quir�n Donostia
+34 912 43 23 43 Estaci�n ferrocarril
+34 943 11 83 33 Dr. Ruiz Villandiego. Odontolog�a y Estomatolog�a. Hospital Quir�n Donostia
+34 943 32 65 38 Taller Oficial Audi Menai - San Sebasti�n
+34 943 32 29 34 Procurador Donostia-San Sebasti�n - Gipuzkoa - Itziar Mujika Atorrasagasti
+34 943 54 50 05 EQZE | El�as Querejeta Zine Eskola
+34 666 77 61 59 Varitek Donostia - Tratamiento de varices sin cirug�a


The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Spain like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Spain Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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