Spain Telephone Directory

Trace Spain Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 252 Spain Businesses on Pincode 31800. Spain has a population of 46,397,452 and there are thousands of businesses in Spain whose numbers are available for Spain Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Spain Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 252 businesses number on pincode 31800 in Spain.

Cell Number Business Name
34948562161 Oficina De Turismo
34948564614 Comisar�a De Polic�a Foral De Navarra De Alsasua
34948564815 CIP FP SAKANA LH IIP
34948563011 Cl�nica Veterinaria Zelai Albaitaritza
34948795098 Cruz Roja Alsasua - Altsasuako Gurutze Gorria
34600209905 Hotel Rural Latxanea
34948564839 Zelandi Ikastetxe Publikoa
34948564272 Centro Cultural IORTIA Kultur Gunea
34948563356 Guardia Civil - Puesto de Altsasu/Alsasua
34948467120 Ugt Uni�n General de Trabajadores
34948564834 Biblioteca P�blica
34948467018 Fernando Aldaz Gaujot
34948564820 Oficina Banco BBVA
34948468736 CCOO Comisiones Obreras Navarra
34948563058 EROSKI
34948221766 Autobuses La Burundesa
34948562461 LABORAL Kutxa
34948564814 Santo Cristo de Otaduia Aterpetxea
34848474051 Iberdrola Clientes
34948562953 Bar Koxka
34607993333 Hotel Izelai
34948562754 Agencia de Empleo de Altsasu/Alsasua
34948568723 Babia bazar vintage
34948563379 Banco Mediolanum
Cell Number Business Name
34659866260 Logure
34948562260 Aldakin S.L.
34948468441 GARAJE BIKAIN, S.A.L. Renault
34948467400 L�zaro Echeverr�a S.A.
34948564292 BM Supermercados
34948467662 Mancomunidad de Servicios Sociales de Alsasua Olazagutia y Ciordia
34948564371 Hotel Lemik
34948563356 Fernando Vegas Celaya
+34 948 46 76 62 Mancomunidad de Servicios Sociales de Alsasua Olazagutia y Ciordia
+34 948 56 46 14 Comisar�a De Polic�a Foral De Navarra De Alsasua
+34 948 56 21 61 Ayuntamiento de Altsasu/Altsasuko Udaletxea
+34 948 46 75 66 Oficina de Correos
+34 948 56 27 86 baloncesto alsasua
+34 666 99 19 88 Kelyguzman_nail_studio
+34 948 56 37 53 Muebles ARKUPE Altzariak
+34 948 56 28 80 IULENE DENDA
+34 948 56 48 39 Colegio P�blico Zelandi Ikastetxe Publikoa
+34 948 56 73 31 Xagu Informatika
+34 653 35 56 70 Valkiria Body Art
+34 948 56 49 66 Centro de Salud Altsasu Osasun Zentroa Constantino Salinas
+34 948 56 21 61 Oficina De Turismo
+34 948 56 46 98 Mutua Navarra
+34 948 56 44 22 Escuela Infantil Municipal Txirinbulo
+34 948 56 33 08 Muebles Santa Cruz
+34 948 46 88 55 Aluminios Alsasua



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Spain like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Spain Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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