Spain Telephone Directory

Trace Spain Numbers by Reverse Lookup

We have listed contact numbers of at least 437 Spain Businesses on Pincode 15840. Spain has a population of 46,397,452 and there are thousands of businesses in Spain whose numbers are available for Spain Reverse Number Lookup and Tracking on this website. You can search for a Spain Business number in the search box below or you can browse from the directory listed below.


There are 437 businesses number on pincode 15840 in Spain.

Cell Number Business Name
34981939417 Electrodom�sticos �ngel
34981881448 Carmen Mata Esmoris
34617742465 Esther Ferreiro
34609337199 Pizarras Xallas
34654825348 Ferralla do Xallas, S.L.
34981881448 Xallas Publicidade Imprenta
34981880351 Forjados Santa Comba
34981818797 SERVIGEST Xesti�n Empresarial
34981880550 ELMEGA S.L.
34663870828 Extincarclima
34981880014 Tanatorio Carracedo
34981880050 ABANCA
34636578329 Recambios Fiber
34626997408 Conxelados Terra do Xallas S. L.
34981880069 Raimundo Oscar Temes Espasandin y Otros S.C.
34981880082 Drogar�a Rieiro
34981880299 Imprenta 42lineas
34627214445 Casa do Ghabino
34981896666 Guindastres Forj�n, S.L.
34659056142 Edificio Multi�sos Terra de Xallas
34626617455 Cl�nica De Fisioterapia Y Rehabilitaci�n Sandra Mourelle
34981880097 Supermercado San Crist�bal S L
+34 981 88 13 84 Concello de Santa Comba
+34 981 88 00 75 Casa do Concello de Santa Comba
+34 695 15 61 25 Accesorios Maralba S/L
Cell Number Business Name
+34 981 88 05 12 Concello de Santa Comba
+34 981 93 78 79 Librer�a- Papeler�a A Repro Santa Comba
+34 722 84 92 22 PC Noroeste
+34 699 73 62 31 CENSEA
+34 981 88 02 06 Muebles Vinculeiro
+34 981 81 88 20 Centro de Sa�de de Santa Comba
+34 981 88 07 08 Hotel Xallas
+34 881 86 69 18 CEIP Pluriling�e Barri� de la Maza
+34 659 05 61 42 Museo Terra do Xallas
+34 981 88 04 00 Cooperativa Xallas
+34 981 88 04 75 Viajes Amarelle
+34 981 88 02 47 Manuel Riveiro Gesto
+34 981 88 11 32 Colegio P�blico De Santa Comba
+34 981 88 00 07 Muebles Lois
+34 981 50 96 40 MAQUISABA S.L.
+34 881 86 70 80 IES Terra de Xallas
+34 609 33 71 99 Pizarras Xallas
+34 657 10 56 04 Fisioxallas
+34 981 88 12 15 RE100
+34 981 81 86 04 Asociaci�n de Empresarios de Santa Comba
+34 649 31 77 30 Fontaner�a Gesto S C
+34 981 88 14 48 Carmen Mata Esmoris
+34 981 88 03 29 Manuel Amig� Garc�a



The numbers listed above belong to places of different categories in Spain like - Banks, Hospitals, Schools, Tourist Places, Railway Stations, Parks, Airports, Police Stations, Churches, Mosques, Temples, Companies, Banks, ATMs, Restaurants, Cafes, Gyms, Factories, Manufacturing Units. You can also find numbers for Spain Shops, Stores, Malls, Liquor Shops, Furniture Stores, Take away Resturants, Doctors, Lawyers, Architects, etc.

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